Protecting the rich ecosystems of Lac-Tremblant-Nord

As early as 1915, protection of Lac-Tremblant-Nord’s landscape was enshrined in the charter that led to its creation, thus consecrating the protection of its natural heritage, which continues to this day. The municipality is eager to pursue its conservation efforts in response to the concerns expressed by its citizens regarding the protection of the environment and biodiversity.

The municipal territory is home to lakes with excellent water quality, maple stands, the majority of which are over 80 years old, and species with precarious status that are currently unprotected. In addition, Lac-Tremblant-Nord currently boasts three (3) protected areas recognized by the Registre des aires protégées du Québec, making it a natural environment of great interest to the community.

With climate change and the biodiversity crisis directly threatening the health of ecosystems and communities, in December 2022, Quebec signed up to the new Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, whose flagship target aims to protect 30% of the planet’s land and oceans (Target 3) by 2030.

To reach this target, municipalities are called upon to play a strategic role, and Lac-Tremblant-Nord is strongly motivated by the urgency to act.

Therefore, as part of SNAP Québec’s Plein aire – Pour des territoires vivants et protégés initiative, financially supported by the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP), the municipality has initiated, in collaboration with Les Amis de Lac-Tremblant-Nord, SNAP Québec and Éco-corridors laurentiens, a project to create a protected area and strengthen an ecological corridor on its public territory.


Benefiting from the strategic guidance and financial support of SNAP Québec, this project’s mission is to :

  1. Ensure the protection of biodiversity and preserve the integrity of ecosystems and landscapes (notably wetlands, flora and fauna, water quality in lakes, rivers and fish habitats);
  2. The project aims to protect the territory, (re)connect with nature and maintain accessibility to nature for the community (outdoor activities);
  3. The project aims to increase the size of protected territory in Lac-Tremblant-Nord and reinforce the level and quality of land protection.


  1. Obtain a protected area status under the Loi sur la conservation du patrimoine naturel – i.e., biodiversity reserve status – for all public lands west of the municipality, including the Lac Tremblant white-tailed deer containment area and the existing protected areas of the Lac-Tremblant old-growth forest and biological refuge 06152R002;
  2. The recognition of five (5) lots held by the municipality (1.21 km2) as a « nature reserve » or « voluntary conservation areas ». The recognition of these lots will be done through the creation of a conservation land trust (social utility trust (SUT));
  3. Contribute to the regional ecological connectivity effort by strengthening the ecological corridor linking Parc national d’Oka to Parc national du Mont-Tremblant, in partnership with Éco-corridors laurentiens, which will consolidate connectivity between the two major national parks and protect biodiversity.

These actions would allow a gain of 2,63 km2 of protected territory, the equivalent of 9,5 % of the municipality’s territory, and ultimately, more than 68,8 % of the territory of Lac-Tremblant-Nord would be protected.