
The mandate of the Finance Department is to ensure the planning, coordination and verification of the financial activities of the municipality. This service is responsible for the preparation, monitoring and budgetary control of the municipality and the supervisory assessment, taxation and collection, payroll and accounting.

The annual tax bill is sent to the owners, registered in the assessment roll at the beginning of March of the current year.

Property taxes must be paid in one installment.

However, when the amount of property taxes is equal to or greater than three hundred dollars ($ 300), they may be paid by the choice of one (1) single payment or in four (4) equal installments: 1st installment: March 31st, 2nd installment: May 31st, 3rd installment: July 31st and 4th installment: September 30th of the current year.

Payment by money transfer

Please make your payment by money transfer to:

Royal Bank of Canada : Transit : 00001, Succ. : 003, Folio 1165190

Uou can also use the INTERAC to transfer funds.


Please send the answer to your security question to:

Please note that payment of the tax bill is the responsibility of the owner of the evaluation unit. Therefore you need to contact us if you do not receive your tax bill or if you just moved in.

Please note that no reminder will be sent by mail.

Penalty / Interest

Any delay in the payment of your taxes will bear interest at the rate of 7 % per year, on over due payments.

Change of address request

In order to make a change of address request, please send us your new contact information (name, new address, phone number and email address) with the address of the property located on our territory.

By mail :

Municipality of Lac-Tremblant-Nord
2-2044, chemin du Village
Mont-Tremblant (Québec) J8E 1K4

– or-

By email :