The year 2010 was a transition year for the allocation of contracts in the municipal sector. Thus, through three bylaws , the rules relating to the tendering of municipal contracts were redesigned and implemented in stages. Three dates have marked the passage of these changes. Here are the main subjects affected by these changes:
Since September 1, 2010
- Prohibition to disclose to anyone the names of those who took possession of the documents of the Municipality in order to bid.
- Obligation to make a prior estimate tender for all contracts over $ 100,000.
Since January 1, 2011
Enforcement of Resolution # 2010-12-138, which enacts a contract management policy. This instrument builds on provincial legislations and guideS all our actions in the award IN the Municipality of contracts process.
Since April 1, 2011
- The administration of the Municipality must disseminate and maintain an online a list of contracts concluded, which involve an expenditure over $ 25,000.
- This information should be updated for a period of three years from registration.
- Information must be posted on the electronic tendering named SEAO and a hyperlink for this bulletin board to be incorporated to the website of the Municipality.
- All documents (quotes, plans, specifications, bid form, etc.) necessary to the tender of the Municipality valued at more than $ 100,000, must be delivered and accessed by the electronic system SEAO, which became from this date, the new single window source for these municipal calls for tenders.