To be eligible to vote, you must be registered on the electoral list!

In accordance with the Loi sur les élections et les référendums dans les municipalités, to be eligible to be registered on the municipal electoral list, you must meet the following conditions:

Qualified elector

  • be a natural person;
  • be 18 years old on polling day;


September 1st in the year of a general election, or at the time of a by-election, at the date on which the writ of election is published:

  • be a Canadian citizen;
  • not be under curatorship;
  • not have been found guilty of an offence that is a corrupt electoral practice;

And at that same date (September 1st or date of publication of the notice of election), you must meet one of the following two conditions:

  • be domiciled in the municipality and have been domiciled in Québec for at least six months;
  • have been, for at least 12 months, the owner of an immovable or the occupant of a business establishment situated on the territory of the municipality.

A legal person (eg, incorporated or limited company) is not entitled to be registered on the electoral list and is not entitled to vote in municipal council elections but does have the right to vote in a referendum.

Non-domiciled voters

An elector who is not domiciled in the municipality, but who is the owner of an immovable, or the occupant of a business establishment situated on the territory of the municipality, must transmit a signed writing to the municipality asking to have his name added to the list of electors.

Persons who are co-owners of an immovable or co-occupants of a business establishment must designate from among themselves, by means of a power of attorney sent to the municipality, only one person who can be entered on the list of electors.


At the polling station, you must establish your identity by showing one of the following documents:

  • your health insurance card;
  • your driver’s licence
  • your Canadian passport;
  • your Certificate of Indian Status;
  • your Canadian Forces identification card.

Vote by mail

Application for registration on the electoral list

Persons registered or entitled to be registered on the electoral list of the municipality of Lac-Tremblant-Nord in a capacity other than that of domiciled person, may vote by mail for a general election.

To avail themselves of this right, these persons must apply in writing to the returning officer.

  • Note to non-domiciled voters: a form has already been mailed to you.

Eligibility to vote by mail

You can vote by mail if you are in one of the following situations:

  • Your domicile is not located in the territory of the municipality;
  • Your domicile is located in the territory of the municipality;

o You are domiciled in an eligible health establishment;

o You are unable to travel for health reasons or you are a caregiver domiciled at the same address as such a person;

o You will be 70 years of age or older on polling day.

Reception of applications to vote my mail

To vote by mail, you must apply by contacting the returning officer.

Any application to vote my mail must be received no later than the 11th day prior to the day set for the election.

How you apply and the validity of your application will vary depending on your situation:

  • If your domicile is not in the municipality, your application must be made in writing and will be kept for all elections and referendums following its receipt.
  • If you are domiciled in the municipality and you must comply with an order or recommendation for isolation from public health authorities, your application may be verbal or written and will be valid for the current poll only.
  • If you are in one of the above-listed situations, your application may be verbal or written and will be valid for the current poll and any recommenced proceedings arising from this poll.

If you are registered to vote by mail and you have not received your ballot papers a few days after their sending, you can contact the returning officer to obtain new ones.

Processing of your ballots

Upon receipt of your envelope, the election officers will verify the validity of the required documents.

If everything is in order, your secret envelope will remain sealed and will be placed in a ballot box.

If any documents are missing, or if the photocopy of your ID is not correct, your secret envelope will go into the spoiled ballot box.

We remind you that voting by mail is completely secure and that at all times we make sure to protect the secrecy of your vote.

Additional information

For more information, please consult the following links:

Contact information of the president of election

Me Stephanie Carriere
Municipality of Lac-Tremblant-Nord